Eric Erickson
Coldwell Banker Realty

I like Boulder!

And here a few reasons:

1. I moved here back in 1987 after seeing a photo on the cover of a magazine with some of the local professional and Olympic athletes. That was one of my motivations to leave New York and move here, I wasn't disappointed. I understand it hasn't changed at all.

2. The second reason was the weather. New York like most places east of the Mississippi has this stuff that falls from the sky at 34 degrees, not really rain, not really snow, more like slush falling out the the sky. Am I right? The winter weather here is awesome.

3. The restaurants here are great. This weekend we went to South Side Walnut Café  and Santos, an upscale Mexican restaurant in North Boulder with a group of friends. Recommend both. My go to spots are Abo's, Pasta Jay's and the Rio, 30 or so years for all of them.

4. Another reason to like Boulder is that it very easy to meet people. Many of the folks we meet did not go to Fairview or Boulder high school. Most people made a choice to move here for some reason.

5. Location. Rocky Mountain Nation Park is less then an hour away, which alone is pretty crazy. I still ski a few times a year, mostly at A-Basin and mostly mid-week, I recommend both. I have Nordic skied at Eldora a ton over the years and it's location and ease of use make up for the fact that I've skied there hundreds of times.

People ask me where I am going to retire (not anytime soon btw) and for me, I've found the best place and the answer will always be Boulder!


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